The component list provided has been extracted from the ERIGrid RI database described in D-NA5.2 Partner profiles. The component list provided here is not exhaustive. It does not contain all component types described in the RI database but only the once considered most relevant to be published. Also, components considered to be confidential are, naturally, not included in the list.

Generating units

Type Name Rated S [VA] Rated U [V] Description
PV Generator_PVArray PV array emulation



Type Name Rated P [W] Rated Q [Var] Rated S [VA] Rated U [V] Description
RLC load Load_RLCCircuitPhsA.Resistor1
RLC load Load_RLCCircuitPhsA.Inductor1
RLC load Load_RLCCircuitPhsA.Capacitor1
RLC load Load_RLCCircuitPhsB.Resistor2
RLC load Load_RLCCircuitPhsB.Inductor2
RLC load Load_RLCCircuitPhsB.Capacitor2
RLC load Load_RLCCircuitPhsC.Resistor3
RLC load Load_RLCCircuitPhsC.Inductor3
RLC load Load_RLCCircuitPhsC.Capacitor3
Load_SinglePhaseGridImpedance Single phase grid impedance
Load_ThreePhaseGridImpedance 3 phase grid impedance



Type Name Rated P [W] Rated Q [Var] Rated S [VA] Rated U [V] AC/DC Description
Source_DCSupplyForInverter DC DC source
Source_GridSimulator AC Controllable AC source


Measurement devices


Name Modeltype Description
Instrument_PowerMeasurementInverterDC Power measurement – DC side of the EUT (Inverter)
Instrument_PowerMeasurementInverterAC Power measurement – AC side of the EUT (Inverter)