ERIGrid has partnered with the INTERPLAN project and DERlab to disseminate their research, achievements and services at a joint booth at the European Utility Week Exhibition on 6-8 November 2018 in Vienna (AT).
Vist us at Booth B.m38 in Hall B,
next to the Horizon 2020 Project Zone!
ERIGrid previously cooperated with INTERPLAN when in the first half of 2018 the projects exchanged information on the definition of a use case. Afterwards ERIGrid performed an analysis of the developed use cases for potential use in INTERPLAN. At the European Utility Week 2018, INTERPLAN will present its progress towards the tool development in its workshop “Innovative Grid operation planning tool for TSOs and DSOs” on 7 November.
DERlab is, on one hand, a member of the ERIGrid consortium and is actively participating in the networking and joint research activities. On the other hand, the DERlab Association of more than 30 members and ERIGrid carried out information exchange regarding the needs and requirements of research infrastructures for performing different types of tests. Further knowledge exchange concerned the terminology for testing and validation, research infrastructure capabilities, the methodologies for system testing and the holistic testing methodology developed by ERIGrid.
INTERPLAN is a H2020 project that will develop an innovative INTEgrated opeRation PLANning tool. In this process, the project will formulate a methodology for representing a clustered model of the pan-European network.
DERlab is an association of leading laboratories and research institutes in the field of distributed energy resources equipment and systems, developing joint requirements and quality criteria for the connection and operation of distributed energy resources (DER) and supporting consistent development of DER technologies.