TA success story: H2AI
Topic: Hybrid reconfigurable inverter algoritHms associated with Artificial Intelligence for water pumping using modular power converters
Hosting facility: Strathclyde University
The H2AI project had the objective of testing the use of generic software defined power converters to drive different types of water pumps, an essential application for rural electrification productive uses. This work built on previous SPEARHEAD TA experience, testing improvements in both hardware and software made by the team. An added feature to the work was to use the sensors embedded on the power board to provide data on the machine and converter operation, paving the way to machine learning techniques in future investigations.

Using the same hardware, the TA team was able to drive an asynchronous, a synchronous and a brushless machine. An initial test with the same hardware operating as a power inverter was also made, showing some interesting results. Issues with the hardware design were identified. New solutions and design improvements were proposed by the team and taken into account into the technology suit.