TA Success Story: TIPI-GRID
Optimising PV Inverter and Distribution Transformer Operation
Topic: Transient stability of interference of photovoltaic inverters reactive power control by the grid voltage and medium voltage transformer
Hosting facility: SmartEST Lab of AIT
Duration: 30.04.2018-27.07.2018
Outcomes: factsheet, publication 1, publication 2, publication 3
Photovoltaic (PV) inverters increase the line voltage in Distribution Grids (DG) by active power feed in. Today, modern PV inverters are also able to feed in reactive power to mitigate such a voltage rise. The favoured, cost effective implementation is the control of reactive power feed in according to the instantaneous measured line voltage. The stability of this decentralised Q(U) PV inverter closed-loop control is mandatory. The DG operator must guarantee the voltage limits given in the regulatory framework. This is challenging due to fast changing solar irradiance, load flows and the interaction of an overlying automatic voltage control-loop of a connected substation. Therefore, the TIPI-GRID user group conducted and evaluated experimental tests of the stability of the PV inverters Q(U) control with different time constraints in the AIT SmartEST lab. Their experimental research included transformers equipped with an On-Load Tap Changer (OLTC) to control with supply voltage from the higher voltage level of the grid.
As a result of their TA experimental research, the TIPI-GRID team came up with a number of practical recommendations for grid operators underpinning the results from pure simulation studies for the optimised PV inverters Q(U) operation, all of which can be found in the factsheet, the report and corresponding publications.
My personal experience in R&D collaboration over the last three decade shows me that the most efficient method of personal exchange among experts is a regular face-to-face meeting, rather than several standard web-based cyber meetings. Our ERIGrid TA stay at the AIT lab again clearly confirmed that.