The digitalisation of energy infrastructure is expected to lead to improved efficiency, integration with other systems and more flexibility. These three benefits come with a price: increased complexity and new type of phenomena previously unknown in the power sector. One of them is cyber security: digital infrastructure, globally networked, is subject to numerous threats and attacks.

Organised by Delft University of Technology on 9 June, the 2017 PowerWeb Day covered the fundamentals and state-of-the–art of smart grid cyber security. As well as our partner project SPARKS, ERIGrid presented its work in progress and upcoming answers to the questions with regards to the combination of information technology and power grids.

14.00 Opening (Peter Palensky, Chair PowerWeb)
14.15 ERIGrid Project (Thomas Strasser, Austrian Institute of Technology)
15.00 SPARKS Project (Paul Smith, Austrian Institute of Technology)
15.45 Poster Session
16.00 Podium Discussion
16.30 Networking Session

ERIGrid on Cyber Security at PowerWeb Day