Seminar “Enhance Power System Protection, Control & Security with Real-Time Simulation” at OFFIS, Oldenburg (DE), May 2017. Technical ERIGrid workshop at Tecnalia, Bilbao (ES), October 2016.

One of ERIGrid’s goals is to actively contribute to educating power systems and ICT professionals, young researchers and students on the topics related to smart grid systems: smart grid operation, validation and testing, and rollout scenarios.

Through these activities, ERIGrid promotes the benefits that the concept of smart grids offers, such as reliability, efficiency and sustainability of the electrical energy system, and assists young researchers in creating new solutions for the emerging challenges.

In this context ERIGrid also carries out staff exchanges between the project partners. Having both industrial and academic researchers in the project consortium, ERIGrid ensures optimal sharing of infrastructures and strong collaborations within the project.

The detailed overview of ERIGrid educational activities can be found in the Education & Traning section of the ERIGrid website.
Presentations, teaching materials, and other resources are available for download.


Demonstration of multi research infrastructure Integration tests webinar on 26 November 2019
Holistic test description for validating cyber-physical energy systems webinar on 21 October 2019
Co-simulation based assessment webinar on 9 April 2019
PHIL simulation webinar on 5 December 2017
ERIGrid Publishes Open Access: Laboratory Education of Modern Power Systems Using PHIL Simulation
Mosaik workshop on 6 December 2017 in Oldenburg (DE)

Education & Training by ERIGrid