On 16 October 2018 ERIGrid gathered stakeholders from the smart grids field at the project’s side event of IRED “Laboratory-Based Services for Smart Grids: Best Practices from the ERIGrid Project”. Workshop participants came from a wide range of relevant domains, including research, academia and industry. With the engagement of the ERIGrid consortium and Transnational Access users, the workshop also attracted involvement from the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission and the Smart Grid International Research Facility Network (SIRFN).
Workshop participants looked into ERIGrid’s research developments as well as various other topics related to lab based research, including lab interoperability, cyber security, and advanced laboratory testing methods within SIRFN.
Furthermore, significant exposure was given to the Transnational Access (TA) of ERIGrid. Several TA users presented their completed projects (IDR, 4D-Power, TIPI-GRID, AQUA, and Smart beats Copper), the outcomes, and the outlook for future research facilitated by the ERIGrid TA.

Workshop presentations are available in the list below.
- ERIGrid – Connecting European Smart Grid Infrastructures – Thomas Strasser (AIT)
- The ERIGrid Integrated Research Infrastructure for Validating Cyber-Physical Energy Systems – Thomas Strasser (AIT)
- Data-Driven Detection of Events in Distribution Power Systems – Reza Arghandeh (Western Norway University of Applied Science), Jose Cordova (FSU)
- Optimized parameter settings of reactive power Q(V) control by Photovoltaic inverter – F.P. Baumgartner & F. Cargiet (ZHAW); C. Messner, T. Strasser, R. Bründlinger, C. Seitl & G. Lauss (AIT)
- Design and Validation of a Smart Charging Algorithm – Ammar Alyousef, Dominik Danner, Hermann de Meer (University of Passau); Friederich Kupzog (AIT)
- Comparison of Power Hardware-in-the-Loop Approaches for the Testing of Smart Grid Controls – Falko Ebe (Hochschule Ulm)
- Enhanced ERIGrid System-Level Testing Methods – Gunter Arnold (Fraunhofer IEE)
- Improved and Harmonised Smart Grid ICT – Oliver Gehrke (DTU)
- Real-time simulation and hardware-in-the-loop methods – Ron Brandl (Fraunhofer IEE)
- System Integration Testing Procedures – Luigi Pellegrino (RSE)
- Smart Grid Interoperability – Evangelos Kotsakis, Alexandre Lucas, Nikoleta Andreadou, Gianluca Fulli, Marcelo Masera (European Commission – Joint Research Center)
- CAPRICA – A Testbed Demonstrating A Cyber-Secure Synchronous Power Island – Kieran McLaughlin, David Laverty, Prof Sakir Sezer (Queen’s University Belfast)
- Laboratory-based services for smart grids within the scope of SIRFN activities – Jun Hashimoto (FREA)