All materials from the 1st ERIGrid Winter School held on 23-25 January 2018 are available online.

Measurements for smart grid applications are sometimes overlooked and assumed to give the correct answer. On 23-25 January 2018 the University of Strathclyde hosted the 1st ERIGrid Winter School “Metrology for Smart Grid Applications and HIL Testing”. Organised in collaboration with MEAN4SG and the National Physics Laboratory (NPL), the school provided PhD students and young researchers with a mixture of lectures, practical laboratory interactions with ongoing research projects, and a 1-day hands-on laboratory session.

A series of lectures given as part of the winter school aim to raise awareness of the accuracy of the measurements and give an introduction into accurate measurement techniques, such as phasor measurement units (PMU), and the testing of the accuracy of such devices. Furthermore, measurement of uncertainty is a relevant aspect to consider when developing simulation models and performing measurements.

The corresponding lectures of the 1st ERIGrid Winter School are available below:

Power system measurements

The impact of power quality on measurements (Dr. Andrew Roscoe, Univeristy of Strathclyde)

How accurate is a measurement? (Dr. Andrew Roscoe, Univeristy of Strathclyde)


Uncertainty in modelling and measurements

An introduction to measurement uncertainty (Ian Smith, NPL)

Uncertainties in modelling (Louise Wright, NPL)


PMU and PMU testing

Adaptive-window PMU algorithms using cascaded boxcar filters to meet and exceed C37.118.1(A) requirements (Dr. Andrew Roscoe, Univeristy of Strathclyde)

PMU (algorithm) testing to C37.118.1(A) in software (Dr. Andrew Roscoe, Univeristy of Strathclyde)

Educational Materials on Metrology for Smart Grids and Testing